Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Snippet of Brown

My sweetest Brown Dog was ailing last week with a severe bout of pancreatitis. This manifests with vomiting and diarrhea. I wish someone could have (but am relieved that no one did) seen me in the middle of the night in nothing but pajamas, coat, cow-print rubber boots, and a flashlight poking at anything in the backyard that could have been dog poop. As a responsible pet owner, I should be well acquainted with not only what goes into my dog, but what comes out. Luckily, my dogs use their designated "poop corral" and I don't have to deal with their poop more than once every few months. Unluckily, this distances me from a working knowledge of their current movements, if you will. But when I found what I was looking for, I was NOT pleased. This was bad poop. Bad, bad dog poop. So off to the dogspital she went. And she was all too happy to go to work with me. We had so many cases on the days that she was sick that she didn't even get her own kennel. She had designated "home base" blanket, and sat there for her IVs. Max, being the concerned little brother dog, didn't leave her side. After two days of no food or water, she returned home, a little tired, but waggy as she should be. We can't wait for some holiday days at home.


Mrs. Misses said...

Kiste actually looks so sad in that picture. Poor Kiste and her poo. Not fun. Happy New Year, btw.

Katie Riggs Hansen said...

I love our babies.

Janni said...

I love them, and miss them AND YOU! :)