Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas Eve 2005

“Christmas Eve will find me, where the lovelight gleams.
I’ll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams.”

Fitting that this carol comes from a musical, Meet Me in St. Louis. I have a standing date with my mom on Saturday nights. It used to be the one night of the week that she didn’t have rehearsal, and we used to drive around and listen to Show Tune Saturday Night. Well, since she has been gone, I have continued our “dates,” and Saturday night is when I go to visit her, now at the cemetery. This past Saturday night was no exception. I have never “known” anyone dead on Christmas, not like I do now, so I have never had occasion to go to the cemetery on Christmas Eve. When I drove up the hill that night, it was a sight that took my breath away, and brought tears to my eyes. All throughout the cemetery, luminaries dotted the hillside. It is strange that someplace like a cemetery has become so familiar and “homey” to me, but in June, it suddenly became one of the most important places in our community to me, and I am blessed to share it with others who have felt the same love, and loss, that I have. The hillside, dotted with warm light, was an amazing sight of visual love, glowing around the resting places of people who are far away from this home on Christmas. The pictures are a bit blurry, and can never do justice. But I will remember this Christmas Eve always.

Mom's Grave

Looking Up the Hill

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hez i love you so much and i look up to you so much you are AMAIZING! I am always here for you no matter what you need. Thank you for always being so positive. love your #1 wife.