I went to see The Producers last night, and it sealed in my heart my love for three things: physical comedy, musical theatre, and Matthew Broderick. All of these things I have loved for a very long time, and this film was a combination of all of them.
First of all, physical comedy: I admire an actor's ability to use his body as another "language," the ability to do things which are very demanding and difficult, and which make him look like a complete idiot. I think it is amazing to watch something so hysterical, and realize how much time, effort, and choreography lie behind that seemingly simple bit. It takes timing, talent, and something innate that can't be learned or taught.
Next, there is musical theatre. It is my home, it is my past, it is my truest form of expression. It is its own genre. And to think that it encompasses things from Oklahoma to The Lion King to Les Miserables to Rent. There is something so enchanting about song and dance numbers, something so, well, naturally unnatural. I realize my background may be a little different than some, but it seems perfectly logical that one would stand on a desk and sing about, well, anything, then tap dance down the street, and yet it is so unexpected and incongruent in our everyday lives (I plan to change this...). How much better would life be if a soft underscore started at the proper moment and you could burst into a song perfectly tailored to your mood and just over-the-top enough to say what you are really feeling, complete with dancers and sets?
And last, but certainly not least, there is my beloved Matthew Broderick. I read an interview with him in Seventeen magazine when I was but a pre-teen, where he talked about his father and why he was an actor, and have adored him ever since. Long before Ferris. Long before Sarah Jessica (whore). Long before (and in spite of) Inspector Gadget. I named my beloved Kiste's firstborn after him. I stood in a long, cold line at Sundance one year to watch the taping of an interview with him for the Sundance Channel and to sit within 10 feet of him. I think I blushed the whole time. I find him endearing. I find him charming. I admire his "actorness" and willingness to become whatever role he is in. Love. Simple, pure love. Not that I want my adoration of MB to overshadow my admiration for Nathan Lane. I would certainly allow him to fill the role of "gay boyfriend."
As for the movie, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I love the original film. I love the Lane/Broderick rapport. I love Susan Stroman (The Girl in the Yellow Dress?? Need I say more?). And I LOVE to laugh! Not perfection, but, they had me from "That's it baby, if you've got it, flaunt it! Flaunt it!!"
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