Sunday, December 11, 2005

Angry at the World?

I am angry at the world this week because I have a stubborn patch of grey hair on the top of my head which cannot be tamed. Since I have light hair anyway, it is not so much the color of the hairs that gets me, but the fact that they grow in curly. And on the top of my head. And they seem to grow in 3 inches at a time. I will find one, pull it out, and the next day in its place is another kinky, grey hair sticking straight up. WHY??? Am I destined to, for the first time in my life, have naturally curly hair once I reach 40? I wanted it when I was 10. I have been at peace with the mostly-straight hair I have. Why change now?

I am also angry at the world because I got caught by the folks in the car next to me having a full voice argument with, well, NO ONE. I was alone. Which also reminds me of being angry that I can’t drive in the carpool lane if my dog is in the car. I have found myself there, and then begins another imaginary argument with the officer who has pulled me over, explaining that it doesn’t specify that the 2 or more occupants be HUMAN.

I am angry because my right nostril is sore from the non-stop fountain of SNOT pouring forth from within my brain. Why is it only one nostril? Why such inequality? And where in the hell does it all come from?

I am angry because no one has replied to my ad for a new gay boyfriend.

I am angry at the world because I still haven’t fixed my car stereo and I am tired of listening to my own voice singing Christmas classics on the 4 minute drive to work. When I am not having an imaginary argument, that is.

I am angry because (and don’t read this if you don’t want WAY too much information about me) I am becoming more and more frustrated (for lack of a better word) with my lack of romantic “experience,” shall we say, which makes me more and more stand-offish which only makes the situation worse. For example, lets just say that this is my movie, only Michael Vartan hasn’t shown up yet and I sure as hell ain’t Drew Barrymore. I was supposed to have dealt with this in high school, right? Grey hair before first kiss AIN”T NATURAL. ( I can’t believe that I just admitted, on the internet, that I am a true, rare, VL. That is SO pathetic that I must move on immediately. After I say that NO ONE is allowed to use this against me. Or I will stab you to death with dull, sliver-y chopsticks. Used, MSG-covered Panda Express garbage can chopsticks.)

I am mostly angry at the world because, well, I’m just not really angry. I want to be. In some cases, I should be. I am just really passive aggressive about it, and therefore, I am NOT angry. I want to break things and swear and rant and be really, really angry. And instead I will take NyQuil to stop the snot-fountain and go to bed. Again. Still.

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